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Daegu, a City of Taste
Daegu's 10 Best Dishes

대구 10味 Daegu's 10 Best Dishes

Daegu's 10 Best Dishes
Here are the Top 10 Dishes that represent Daegu's cuisine. Daegu has its unique culinary culture with regional characteristics. Therefore, we selected a list of dishes which have been originated in this region, loved by local people since the mid-1940s, or which can be tasted only here in Daegu.
Pufferfish Bulgogi
Home > Food That Represents Daegu > Pufferfish Bulgogi
Bogeo bulgogi
: barbequed blowfish


In the late 1970s, when pufferfish dishes were primarily limited to soups, Pufferfish Bulgogi was developed in a restaurant in Daegu. This innovative dish features pufferfish stir-fried with a spicy seasoning and a medley of bean sprouts, onions, and green onions, giving it a vibrant red color and bold flavor. Today, Pufferfish Bulgogi is a popular menu item in most pufferfish restaurants in Daegu. The crunchy texture of freshly cooked bean sprouts pairs beautifully with the tender pufferfish meat, creating a harmonious blend of mild yet sweet umami flavors. As a bonus, the leftover seasoning is often used to fry rice, making it the perfect choice for those who enjoy a flavorful and spicy meal.

Haegeumgang 82-53-954-2323 133, Sinamnam-ro, Dong-gu, Daegu
Eodeung 82-53-525-0043 39, Seodaegu-ro, Seo-gu, Daegu
Haegeumgang 82-53-954-2323 133, Sinamnam-ro, Dong-gu, Daegu, Korea
Miseong Bokeo Bulgogi 82-53-767-8877 87, Deulan-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu, Korea

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