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Daegu, a City of Taste
Daegu's 10 Best Dishes

대구 10味 Daegu's 10 Best Dishes

Daegu's 10 Best Dishes
Here are the Top 10 Dishes that represent Daegu's cuisine. Daegu has its unique culinary culture with regional characteristics. Therefore, we selected a list of dishes which have been originated in this region, loved by local people since the mid-1940s, or which can be tasted only here in Daegu.
Dongindong Jjim galbi
Home > Food That Represents Daegu > Dongin-dong Braised Short Ribs (Galbi)
Dongindong Jjim galbi


Since the 1970s, Dongin-dong Braised Galbi has been a beloved dish in the residential area of Dongin-dong, Jung-gu. The dish originated with tender beef short ribs simmered in a dented aluminum pot, seasoned primarily with spicy red pepper powder and minced garlic, creating a rich and hearty flavor. What sets it apart is its bold and spicy profile, a stark contrast to the soy sauce-based braised Galbi found in Seoul and the Gyeonggi region. This distinctive, fiery version of braised short ribs is a unique culinary offering that can only be found in Daegu.

Dongin-dong Steamed Galbi Street - Dongdeok-ro 36-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu, Korea
Nakyeong Steamed Galbi 82-53-423-3330 9-17, Dongdeok-ro 36-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu, Korea

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